Renewable Energy for Access to Energy

Renewable Energy for Access to Energy

Jul 2, 2015. | By: José González

Reliable and affordable sources of energy are fundamental for economic growth and poverty reduction. One of the biggest issues that developing countries need to address is the lack of access to energy of a large proportion of population. About 1.3 billion people are without electricity, 84% are in rural areas. According to the International Energy Association, poor people in developing countries spend about 32% of their daily income in energy (0,40 USD)1. Most of it is spent on dry batteries and kerosene. Average electricity consumption per capita is not enough to power a single 50-watt light bulb continuously in Africa2.

Despite of this outlook we see a light coming from the Renewable Energy. Many countries are actively developing or considering developing their renewable energy resource potential.

There are several reason for this to happen:

  • Renewable Energy can be deployed in a decentralised manner, specially interesting in countries with small centralised grid.
  • Renewables are also critical technologies to provide access to remote communities.
  • Renewable Energy can be deployed faster than centralised power plants
  • Renewable Energy can increase local employment (distribution of components, deployment, maintenance) and empowerment.

Being more specific on how Renewable Energy technologies can improve people’s lives we see some opportunities in:

  • Providing Public Lighting with Led Solar Street Lights.
  • Providing Water for agricultural or domestic purposes with Solar Pumps.
  • Community Charging stations can be deployed for Battery charging.
  • Solar&Wind systems can be installed in the community following the design of a Rural Productivity Zone, benefiting healthcare, education, business.
  • Gaining access to clean cooking facilities with Solar Cookers

Access to Energy unlocks access to improved healthcare, improved education, improved economic opportunities and, of course, better life.